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What are the causes of razor bumps? What are the causes of ingrown hairs? Do you know the common causes of razor bumps? Miami Laser Hair Removal explains the reasons behind ingrown hairs and provides effective treatment solutions to treat razor bumps and ingrown hairs. Razor bumps and ingrown hairs are a common, and extremely irritating problem for both men and women, especially in the African-American population. Approximately 60% of African-American men and women suffer from painful irritated ingrown hairs and approximately 20% of caucasian men and wome respectively. The good news is that Miami Laser Hair Removal has a relatively painless yet highly effective treatment for this very rampant problem.
What are Ingrown Hairs?
Ingrown hairs form when “sharpened” hairs curl back and re-enter the same hair follicle. This causes inflammation, itching, infection and other unpleasant ingrown hair symptoms.
Which areas are typically affected by ingrown hairs?
In African-Americans the scalp, neck, chin and face are affected. In Caucasian or Hispanic men the neck may be affected. In Caucasian or Hispanic women the bikini area typically is affected by ingrown hairs.
Is there a medical term for ingrown hair/s?
The medical term for this condition is pseudofolliculitis barbae.
What are Razor Bumps?
Razor bumps are very similar to ingrown hairs and are also considered pseudofolliculitis barbae. Small tender pimples, commonly known as razor bumps, can appear on the skin’s surface when closely cut hairs grow out and pierce back into the skin at a neighboring hair follicle. This causes a foreign body reaction to occur causing the follicle to become irritated and inflamed.
What are the causes of ingrown hairs or razor bumps?
Shaving in particular is one of the causes for razor bumps and ingrown hairs because it sharpens the hair’s end, which causes the hair to grow back into the skin resulting in redness and inflammation.
If left untreated, razor bump infections may result which may require a doctor’s attention and/or treatment of prescribed creams and/or anti-biotics. However, Miami Laser Hair Removal offers a highly effective treatment utilizing the only laser hair removal technology approved by the FDA to safely and effectively remove hair in men and women of all skin colors including African-Americans without causing any discoloration to the skin’s pigment. The laser beam destroys the root of the hair, thereby weakening the hair follicle which quickly eradicates the ingrown hair problem plaguing many African-American men and women.
Miami Laser Hair Removal highly recommends the use of laser hair removal to treat ingrown hairs and/or razor bumps.
Miami Laser Hair Removal highly recommends the use of laser hair removal to treat ingrown hairs and/or razor bumps.
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